A Movie Theater In London Pranked 'Moonlight' Viewers By Playing The First 20 Seconds Of 'La La Land'

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Mashable- The world collectively cringed Sunday night as they watched the biggest screwup in the history of the Academy Awards. Now one London cinema has made light of the mix-up by pranking an audience at a Moonlight showing by playing the first 20 seconds of La La Land. Owing to an envelope mix-up, presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway incorrectly announced that La La Land had won Best Picture. Halfway through La La Land’s cast and crew’s acceptance speech, the error was explained and the award handed to its rightful owner: Moonlight. Rio cinema in Dalston, east London, played the first 20 seconds of La La Land at the start of Moonlight on Monday night’s sold-out showing. “The audience got the joke straight away and gave a huge round of applause. We had a packed house that night and the response on social media has been fantastic,” says cinema director Oliver Meek.


Such a Dad Joke by this movie theater but luckily I love Dad Jokes. Crushed it, guys. Really good work by them. Once these two movies come out on DVD or Blu Ray or whatever the fuck we’re using nowadays, can’t you just picture every Dad across America pulling this prank? I can and I can’t wait for it  annoy his kids. Even better that it sounds like the audience at the movie theater loved it. The way the article is written makes it sound like it might’ve even gotten a standing ovation. People falling outta their seats thanks to the topical Oscars joke. Tough couple of days for the Oscars huh? Those snooty mother fuckers have been the laughingstock of the world for a full 50 hours now. First they have the biggest blunder in Oscars history then they get dragged through the mud of social media and now they’re even getting Boom Roasted by movie theaters in London. Real tough couple of days but there’s nothing more fun than dunking on those Hollywood fucks so this has been fun.