College Kid With Severe Peanut Allergy Gets Hazed By Having Peanut Butter Smeared On His Face

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HuffPo- A college student with a severe peanut allergy is lucky to be alive after members of a fraternity smeared his face with peanut butter during a hazing ritual at Central Michigan University, his mother says.

“This is a picture of what they did to him. He has a deadly peanut allergy and they rubbed peanut butter on his face while he was passed out,” she said.

She identified his former fraternity as Alpha Chi Rho, which CMU said is not a recognized fraternity and is located off-campus.

“They were removed for hazing in 2011,” Heather Smith, CMU’s director of communications, told The Huffington Post on Thursday. “They tried to appeal last fall, but they were denied.”

“It was just a joke, trying to be funny and put it on his face,” [a member of the frat] said. “We didn’t know he was allergic. It was just college students being kids.”

One nice thing about Harvard was that people knew where to draw the line on hazing. It was never dangerous, just funny. I had to swallow live goldfish but I’m a huge sushi fan so it was kind of a treat. But the best thing I saw was when one of my buddies took a shit in the BU student center. As fate would have it, we chose to do it while the intramural ping pong team was practicing, and it was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. The ping pong team had wheeled in like 12 tables and were in the middle of the most intense practice I’ve ever seen. Most of the team was asian, and they were all wearing shorts and athletic gear for increased mobility, grunting like it was a tennis match. Many wore headbands like Iverson or a Benihana chef. With balls flashing across the net, paddles scything through the air, scores articulated deliberately after each point, you could tell these table warriors weren’t about to let some tomfoolery go down.

However, there’s just something so… unexpected about a total stranger shitting on the floor during your ping pong practice. You can’t prepare for that kind of thing. I’ll never forget the captain’s reaction. He saw my friend come in and walked over casually to tell him the space was being used. My buddy apologized, undid his belt, pulled down his pants, and shit on the floor at his feet. To this day, the captain’s reaction is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It was a full spectrum of emotions, starting with pleasantries that quickly changed to confusion, then realization, then pleading, then horror.

“Hey man, we’re using the space, sorry. Hey what are you doing? Dude, pull your pants up. Dude. Dude what… what the fuck are you… dude don’t. Please don’t shit. Please. You don’t have to do this. DON’T SHIT ON THE FLOOR! Oh man. You have to clean that up man. Yo, don’t you dare fucking leave. Clean up your shit man. Fuck. Does anyone have a mop?”

In hindsight, it was kind of a dick move. But it sure was funny, unlike smearing peanut butter all over the face of a kid with a severe peanut allergy. Having said that, pledging the one fraternity that was banned from school for hazing violations is pretty dumb. You have to believe you’re going to face some pretty shitty stuff.

Still, there’s no way those dickheads didn’t know he had a peanut allergy. You don’t just smear peanut butter on some kids face; that’s not “college students being kids.” The weapon is too specific. They knew, and for that, I hold them in contempt. Shame.