Ashley Graham Loves Bagels And So Do I

I go back and forth on Ashley Graham. I think everyone does. It keeps me up at night. She’s for sure sexy but sometimes I just don’t know. She’s like the two face girl from Seinfeld. There’s angles and pictures of her that turn me way off but then she does something like put bagels over her titties and jiggle them around and I’m instantly back on board. Say what you will about Ashley Graham but that’s a sexy ass video. Bagels are delicious. Boobs are awesome. Combine those two things and you’ve got a hit on your hands. I’m very into that video and I’m not ashamed to admit it. If there’s a savvy Instagram model out there, she’ll turn her account into solely boomerang videos of herself bouncing her boobs around with various bread and grain products. Every girl out there takes sexy glamour shots. You gotta do something new to rise above the noise. There’s a void in the bread-themed promiscuous videos and Ashley Graham just fired the first shot.