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Surfer Bros Interrupt City Council Meeting To Make A Plea for a 12 Foot Tall Paul Walker Statue

Guerilla marketing campaign for the new Fast and the Furious movie? Maybe. That’s what I would initially think too. If it was basically any other state in the USA I would instantly assume this was just some paid stunt to get Fast and the Furious trending on the internet, it’s tough to get a lot of traction for the 19th movie of the same franchise.  But then again this is Cali. These are bros shredding the gnar in San Clemente then packing up their sex wax and their boards on tops of their doorless jeeps and cruising over to the city council meeting sand still fresh between their toes. No doubt in my mind that a 12 foot tall steel Paul Walker statue on the pier sculpted by Damien Ortega (best known for his installation of White Cube 2003) is a 100% real request. I mean every news station covering this is calling them “jokesters” and “pranksters.” Not fair. Just because he’s high as balls doesn’t mean his points aren’t legitimate.

Detroit has the Robocop. Philly has Rocky. San Clemente needs Paul Walker. How else will we transcend the political divides and animosity in everyday America?

Paul Walker, the great unifier.

[h/t Jalopnik]