People Are Super Pissed About This Daily Mail Cover And Calling It Sexist

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Mashable- “Newspaper of the year” the Daily Mail is getting dragged after publishing a headline declaring “Forget about Brexit, who won Legs-it!” alongside a photograph of Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and British Prime Minister Theresa May on its front page. The front page was first published on Twitter on Monday night, instantly prompting a stream of criticism from politicians, journalists and members of the public. Alas, the sexist commentary didn’t stop at the front page. Inside the paper, a headline above a column by Sarah Vine read: “Finest weapons at their command? Those pins!” “But what stands out here are the legs – and the vast expanse on show. There is no doubt that both women consider their pins to be the finest weapon in their physical arsenal. Consequently, both have been unsheathed,” read Vine’s column. Vine referred to Sturgeon’s legs as “altogether more flirty, tantalisingly crossed” and “a direct attempt at seduction.” Right… People flocked to Twitter in droves to condemn the front page, with many questioning whether the paper was serious.


A couple things. That is a laugh out loud funny cover. It just is. I understand that it’s sexist and blah blah blah but it’s SO SO SO sexist and that’s what makes it funny. At it’s core, it’s a dad joke. That is the joke a 47-year-old man with 3 teenage kids and a vast sweatpants collection. Brexit? More like Legs-it am I right! Like Daily Mail had to know they were gonna whip up a firestorm. They had to and that’s what makes it sneaky genius. Everyone at the Daily Mail offices today aren’t saying, “OH NO! OUR NEWSPAPER IS GETTING ALL SORTS OF PRESS TODAY!” They’re saying the exact opposite. They’re whopping it up cause they’re hot in the streets. Hot in the streets for the wrong reason, you say? Who gives a shit. I mean it’s not like Daily Mail is exactly the shining beacon of journalism. Their reputation is gonna be just fine. So why not throw up a cover about women’s legs from time to time to get people’s blood boiling? That’s just good business in 2017. Brexit? More like legs-it! Too damn funny.