Television Is So Out Of Ideas That They're Already Trying To Bring Back American Idol On NBC Or Fox

TMZ – Multiple sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … NBC wants the show in part to resolve a problem with “The Voice.” We’re told the network doesn’t want to oversaturate the market with the show, which airs twice a year. We’re also told Adam Levine only wants to do 1 cycle a year.

If NBC gets ‘Idol,’ it would rotate ‘A.I.’ with “The Voice” and each would air once a year.

We’re also told NBC has Ryan Seacrest as the favored host the second time around, and FOX would also entertain bringing Ryan back.

Our sources say the target date for bringing ‘Idol’ back is either Summer 2018 or mid-season 2019.

FOX never gave up on the show … it just became way too expensive to produce with the talent costs … Ryan, J Lo, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr. The reboot, we’re told, would have a new panel of judges.


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I mean this show legitimately hasn’t been off the air for a whole 12 months and we’re already negotiating a return? It seems more like FOX was trying some sort of power play here to regain control of things after feeling like they had to pay tens of millions of dollars to disinterested pop stars the last few years but even still, how disingenuous was the whole “After 15 years, American Idol is going off the air…thanks for the memories” bullshit marketing campaign they had on the way out? TV networks and marketers are going to do what they do but there’s something infuriating to me that they would go back to the well so soon.

Why not make a new reality show for penny’s on the dollar with a new name and some new wrinkles instead of immediately going back to one that people told you in droves they were sick of just a year ago? Why not develop an actual fucking show from thousands of talented creators dying for a network to make their vision for cheap and actually put some promotion on it? Hell why not pay 1/100th for some fucking YouTuber to metaphorically shit on a plate while millions of teens tune in and act like it’s the funniest, most trendy new media television ever? There are just a billion different things that could have been done here and instead it’ll be the same old shit with the same old totally not-gay Ryan Seacrest (a hero of mine, many are saying) hosting while they act like it’s not the same old shit. This is why people tune out of networks in droves and they’re going to spend tens of millions chasing a past high instead like a junkie about to tap a rotting vein for a fix.

So cool, more idiots trying to become famous mediocrely singing coming to your TV soon. Great job Hollywood, you’ll either get even richer or in an even bigger hole than you already are but let it never be said that you won’t give it the laziest possible effort imaginable. As tone deaf as the people who think they’re going to be famous from American Idol, that’s what this is: