Court Documents Show That Phil Mickelson Once Paid $1.95 Million In Gambling Debts

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KCS- A year ago, Phil Mickelson was the highest paid golfer in the world, according to Forbes, taking in $52.9 million. That was for last year alone, so maybe it’s not that big of a deal that the New York Post reported that Mickelson paid off a $1.95 million gambling debt in 2012 to Billy Walters, who is known as one of the most successful sports bettors. Walters is on trial for alleged insider trading involving a company called Dean Foods, that story says. The Washington Post reported that Mickelson is not facing criminal charges in the trial, but he is on the witness list. However, the Post said, he is not expected to be called to the stand because a defense attorney told prosecutors that Mickelson would exercise his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.


I’m not a gambler. Never have been. For whatever reason it never got it’s hooks in me like other vices of mine such as booze and food. I’m saying that because I can’t decide if 1.95 million dollars is a lot of money or just sounds like a lot of money. Because we are talking about Phil Mickelson here. Not just some random guy off the street. It would obviously be a lot to a random guy off the street but I’m leaning towards it just sounds like a lot of money. The dollar amount will grab a lot of headlines (did it on this blog) but, all things equal, I’m gonna say it’s nothing. 2 million bucks on gambling losses to a guy like Mickelson is pocket change. The guy made almost 53 million dollars in 2016. Also, this headline is nothing but good news for Phil. Everybody loves gamblers. That’s what I’ve noticed. If you’re a gambler, people automatically find you interesting. Especially other gamblers. Phil’s cool rating just went way way up. Everybody already knew he was a gambler but it’s even cooler to have a large number attached to it. Bad Boy Phil.