Home Intruder Shot By Homeowner While Taking A Shower In The Home He Broke Into

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NY Post- A homeowner was arrested on second-degree murder charges after he allegedly gunned down an intruder who was showering in his home, authorities said.

The confrontation happened about 8 a.m. Saturday when the unidentified homeowner went to one of the homes on his property, where cops say he runs an internet-based firm out of the building. After noticing the front door kicked in and a missing window screen, the homeowner went inside and found the intruder in the shower. He then left the home after the pair exchanged words, KOMO reports.

“He returned home, retrieved a firearm, came back over to the residence and fired multiple rounds into the shower … killing the intruder,” Mason County Sheriff’s Lt. Travis Adams told the station.

Breaking into homes is a sweaty, dirty business. You can’t just be kicking down doors and diving through screens without building up a healthy lather. By 8AM, this burglar had put in a full morning of work and was excited to test the various bath products of the residence. I’m sure he was having the time of his life when some asshole burst into the bathroom, without knocking no less, to yell at him:

“Hey, get out of my goddamn shower!”

“Fuck off! I’m shampooing!”

“I’ll come back with a gun.”

But the showering criminal’s ears were full of shampoo foam. So what he heard was “I’ll come back when you’re done.” To which he replied:

“Ok thanks! I’ll be out shortly.”

The wet bandit never finished his shower. The owner of the home, enraged that a stranger would have the gall to use his Neutrogena Peach Body Wash With Exfoliating Scrub without asking, shot him dead while he rinsed.

Seriously though, if I came home and some random stranger had kicked down my door and was taking a shower, I’m not sure what I’d do. Once I got over the audacity of it, I’d probably call the cops. But I’d likely hand him a towel first.