The Yankees Get Back To .500 And Are Very Back

upper mostly

Absolutely huge win with the B lineup out there today. The Yankees are now back to .500 and after some tough losses this weekend, things seem to be clicking as a team rather than just individual players.

Jordan Montgomery started today in his big-league debut, giving us 4.2 inning with 3 runs and only 2 earned. Aside from a first inning mistake that turned into a 2-run homer, Montgomery looked like he belongs in an MLB rotation and showed that we could be seeing him for a while. Of course, we’ll need him to string together a few consistent and longer starts, but 7 strikeouts in less than 5 innings means he can work out of jams by missing bats. That’s a good thing.

On the offensive side of things, the guys were able to come together to make-up a 3-run deficit by playing small ball that included a walked in run and scoring on a wild pitch, followed by a 117mph liner up the middle by Judge. Unfortunately, we took the lead on an error that resulted in Rickie Weeks (I’m not putting Jr. because I don’t know his dad.) trucking Gardner and taking him out of the game. Gardner has a bruised jaw and strained neck, that will likely cost him a few games, but things could be a lot worse.

Late in the game the lead was padded by another Aaron Judge home run that gives him 7 RBIs on the season. That’s one more RBI than strikeout, and means that Judge is adjusting to big league pitching and cutting down his swing. If Sanchez can come back healthy and Bird can get things going when he gets back in the lineup, our lineup is a very dangerous combination of young power and veteran presence.