Amazing Video Of London Bus Passenger Taking A Knife Off Attacker Will Inspire You To Watch The Bourne Series Again

HuffPo- Two passengers argued on a London bus Tuesday and one of them brought out a knife, the BBC reported.

Footage of what happened next has understandably gone viral.

Watch above as the unarmed man wrestles the knife away, prompting the alleged attacker to run.

“I’m an African, you’ll never take my life!” the commuter yells as the knifeman flees.

The unnamed victim, in his 20s, was treated at a hospital with minor lacerations to his head and hand, police told the Telegraph. As of Thursday morning, no arrests had been made. Authorities reached out to the public for witnesses.

What a FANTASTIC video. Internet, thank you! We have Jason Bourne wrestling with an attacker who is trying to stab him with a fucking kitchen knife, and the whole thing is being filmed by the steady hands of some fearless passenger 5 feet away. HOW do you stay on that bus to film that?! You’re standing right in the middle of the exit path. I ain’t no bitch but at the very least I would have stepped off the bus and filmed from the other side of the window.

This guy is a legend though. Bad guy goes for the leg lock, good guy has been doing tons of core work so he doesn’t go down. Controls the wrists, smacks it against the wall, takes the knife. Textbook. Of course, the highlight is when our hero stands framed in the doorway of the bus and yells, “I’m an African. You will never take my life!” Chills! We’ll ignore the fact that 4 of the 5 countries with the highest death rates in the world can be found in Africa. For the sake of the story, this guy’s African heritage renders him immortal. TIA indeed.