A Canadian Dude Got Shorted A Dime At Tim Hortons And Went Off The Deep End In Very UnCanadian Ways

Only one appropriate reaction here once cooler heads prevail:

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But honestly that was about as much of a stereotype-defeater of Canadian niceness as you can get. In fact I was kinda hoping that’d be the M. Night Shyamalan twist when he came back in where he’d be like “ohhh eh sorrey aboot that I lose my mind without my mornin coffee yanno?” But nope, just continued his campaign of fear like Jason Vorhees coming back to kebab a couple more camp counselors. Very unCanadian behavior, almost worthy of him losing his citizenship. Guy probably doesn’t even like hockey, poutine, or making tender love to a lady moose presenting herself, truly a disgrace to the proud people of the North.

At the same time though, if you’re going to be a loose cannon fighting over a dime at a coffee chain, going over the top and smashing a glass case and stealing some snacks in the process isn’t the worst way to go about it. When terrifying minimum wage workers, families, and the elderly, you’ve got to get your money’s worth. Never has a pastry lightly dusted with shards of glass ever tasted so good.