The Bahamas Fyre Festival Turns Into Complete Chaos After People Who Paid $12,000 For Tickets To See Ja Rule Show Up To An Unfinished Campsite

Independent- A new music festival set in the Bahamas has descended into chaos amid reports that guests have been stranded at an unfinished site, where headliners have pulled out at the last minute.

Fyre Festival, a luxury event organised by Ja Rule and due to feature appearances by Blink-182, Skepta and Rae Stremmurd, was advertised on social media as a glamorous party by supermodels including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski.

The price of a ticket to the event ranged from $4,000 to $12,000. The event was due to start on 28 April and run over two weekends, billing itself as a “cultural moment created from an alchemic blend of music, art and food”. 

However, fans trying to get to the festival were met with delayed flights. On arrival, they reported half-built ‘cabanas’ that were “actually disaster relief tents”, poor food and drink offerings, and mountains of rubbish. 

Music festival organized by Ja Rule? What could go wrong? Guy seems like a straight shooter. This is just such a fantastic turn of events. Thousands of rich kids going down to the Bahamas on chartered planes, expecting paradise, but instead they enter the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Blink 182 just saying fuck it and bailing the day before their performance. Lodging marketed as “luxury villas” that turned out to be disaster relief tents. A complete and utter catastrophe!

I actually have a few friends that are down there right now so I feel a little bad. But given that nobody is in real trouble, we can all laugh at the karma that has befallen these people. The world was about to face a tidal wave of self-important instagrams and snapchat stories, so soon on the heels of Coachella too. I’m not sure if I was prepared to handle it. But instead, the powers that be gave us an event organizer who really seems like he doesn’t give a FUCK. Here is the original marketing video for this shin dig:

To go from this:

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To this:

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… is laugh-out-loud funny. Feels like the difference between the girl you take home and the girl you wake up to. The glass slipper is off at the Fyre Festival; the clock has struck midnight and the villagers are PANICKING. I fucking love it!! #fyrefraud