Trump Is Hanging This Map Of The 2016 Election Results In The West Wing

Oh hey guys welcome to the White House anyone know who won the election? Anybody? Anybody know which color party, the red party or the blue party, won the counties that cover more geographical territory? Anybody? Oh phew look there’s a map guess what it was us! We won!

There’s never been a President that resorts to the fact that he won the election more than Trump. In fact basically no President ever resorts back to the election. Once they win, they’re above it. It’s over. They’re immediately elevated to a status unmatchable; why would you even reference the loser? The loser’s dead. Eternally demoted to mediocrity. The winner’s onto running the show. But not for Donnie… I think Donnie cares way more about rubbing salt in the wounds of everybody he beat in the election than he does about anything related to governing. It’s like getting to the Super Bowl and spending the whole game running around screaming about how you won the conference championship game.