A Report Says the Guy Who Ruined Billy Bush with the Pussygate Tape Was His Best Friend

Billy Bush

Daily MailBilly Bush is making headlines again, breaking his silence after he was fired by NBC over the leak of 2005 videotape in which Donald Trump brags about his ability to grab women ‘by the p****’ as Bush laughs and eggs him on.

In The Hollywood Reporter and on Good Morning America interviews, the former Today anchor and Access Hollywood … co-host is well aware of exactly how things went down and the tape came to be leaked to the Washington Post and it started with Bush’s closest friend.

Sources at NBC tell DailyMail.com that it was executive producer Rob Silverstein who was behind the tape getting out, though it wasn’t Silverstein’s intention for Bush to fall victim. …

Silverstein, Bush’s best friend and godfather to his youngest daughter, concocted a plan to release the tapes. He initially intended to edit out his pal’s participation in the conversation.

‘Rob sent the entire video to the NBC legal department to get permission to leak it. … But that’s when someone else with access to the tape got antsy and decided to send the video to The Washington Post. It was done without Billy being edited out and that’s how he was compromised during the process.’

Nice best friend there, Billy Bush. I’m a big believer in the philosophy that you can judge a man by the company he keeps. And Bush must be a real piece of work because his pal Rob Silverstein is the worst kind of scumbag.

And don’t give me this “Oh, he didn’t want Billy’s voice on there. Someone else leaked it out.” I’m sure that happened, but what kind of a Grade A asshole hands over a tape that he knows is going to destroy his best friend just to swing an election? Believe me I’ve got best friends I’d sell to human traffickers if the price was right. Make me rich enough and you can have any one of my friends as sex slaves or Chinese factory workers. I don’t care. But to help a terrible candidate win a race over an awful candidate? No sale.

I also don’t buy this ragtime about how Silverstein wanted to edit Bush’s voice out of it. Like that’s going to work. He’s a TV producer. He has to know that no one is going to accept a heavily edited video. It had to go out whole or not at all. And if I’m godfather to a guy’s daughter and I know the tape will bring him down along with Trump, I destroy it. Or keep it as blackmail if he ever turns on me. Or just to listen to for laughs because it’s frigging hysterical listening to Bush kiss The Donald’s ass and laugh at his middle school-level dirty jokes.

But that’s the thing. It was a no-win situation for Billy Bush. He was an entertainment reporter, not Anderson Cooper. It wasn’t his job to grill his guest, the celebrity real estate mogul with the reality show. It was to laugh at his stupid jokes and stroke his ego. If he hadn’t – if he confronted Trump and gave him some speech about respecting women, he would’ve gotten fired for that. But now he’s out of work, making the rounds on this pathetic apology tour and the Pussy Grabber in Chief is breaking Communion bread with the Pope. All because his friend completely curb-stomped his career, just to get Hillary elected. Life is unfair.
