A New York Sculptor Created A Pissing Pug Statue That Appears To Pee On The Fearless Girl Statue Of Wall Street

NY Post- City sculptor Alex Gardega — seething over the “Fearless Girl” statue being placed across from Wall Street’s “Charging Bull” — has decided to retaliate with a work of his own. Gardega created a statue of a small dog, titled “Pissing Pug,” and his sloppily crafted pooch takes direct aim at “Fearless Girl” — or, at least, at her left leg. “This is corporate nonsense,” Gardega told The Post of “Fearless Girl,” saying it was put opposite artist Arturo Di Modica’s famed bull as a publicity stunt by a Boston-based financial firm. “It has nothing to do with feminism, and it is disrespect to the artist that made the bull,” he said. “That bull had integrity.”

The Upper West Side artist sniffed that he even made his dog particularly poorly just to stick it to “Fearless Girl” even more. “I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull,” said Gardega, who has never met the other statues’ creators.

But many female passers-by Monday said “Fearless Girl” has come to represent women taking on Wall Street — and just about anybody else standing up to financial firms — and that Gardega’s peeing dog is misogynistic. “That’s an a–hole move. You call this art?” said one woman, who kicked the dog statue as she walked by. But Gardega insisted that he is “pro-feminism” and has “nothing against the sculptor whatsoever.”


There is nothing that gets the blood pumping like a good old fashioned artist fight. And not only an artist fight, but an artist fight in the financial capital of the planet that also involves feminists. A goddamn powder keg of opinions and douches. They say art is a mirror of the times and nothing will be more symbolic of 2017 than watching this whole fiasco play out. Debating what each statue means. How safe spaces are being violated. The inevitable statue of a bigger dog shitting on the pug. And then an even bigger dog shitting on that dog. Back in the 80s if you drew on someone’s graffiti in New York, best case scenario is you ended up with a knife in your gut. Worst case scenario you end up starting a full blown gang war like in the Beat It music video.

But in 2017, this will all likely lead to a shitload of angry tweets and quote retweets as Wall Street goes from being a part of New York’s financial district to becoming New York’s brand new statue district. Hell hath no fury than an artist scorned.

P.S. Shout out to this Californian for weighing in with the most California quote ever.

“I respect his opinion .?.?. and that’s really cool,” said tourist Pam Guadarrama, 24, visiting from California.

P P.S. You are welcome for getting “Beat It” stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Now go down a Michael Jackson YouTube rabbit hole and the work day will be over before you know it.