Ivanka Trump Gets Blasted For Tweeting How To Make Champagne Popsicles For Memorial Day

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Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump’s daughter faced backlash after her lifestyle brand’s Twitter account — “IvankaTrumpHQ” — gave what some considered an insensitive Memorial Day holiday tip.

“Make champagne popsicles this #MemorialDay,” the tweet read, linking to a section on IvankaTrump.com which features a list of ideas for the holiday, described as the “Kickoff to Summer.”

Anyone who has followed Barstool for even a little bit knows that Ivanka is like my favorite ass chick on the planet.  Love her so much I titled a blog “I <3 Ivanka” one time and broke our SEO technology on the backend for using weird symbols in a headline.   May not be a Trump guy but Ivanka will always have a special place in my heart.  In addition, I haaaate the nitpicking and piling on that people do for EVERY single Trump and Trump family tweet.  Save it for the ones that really matter.  If you pull the pitchforks out for every single 140 character blurb people are going to be fatigued for the actual issues that affect our lives.  I think we need to institute a 3-tiered ranking system for Trump tweets actually: Outraged, Tone-Deaf, and Not A Big Deal.  Champagne popsicles to commemorate Memorial Day?  I’d plant that firmly in the tone deaf department, roll my eyes, and move on with my day.

Responses were pretty good though.

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One of my favorite blogs ever.

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