Top Democrats Pushing Jerry Springer For Ohio Governor

Business InsiderInfluential Ohio Democrats are pushing former Cincinnati mayor and daytime-TV host Jerry Springer to run for Ohio governor in 2018, more than half a dozen Democrats familiar with the race told Business Insider.

Many said Springer, who sought the Democratic nomination for governor of Ohio in 1982 and remains active in state politics, could be a good fit for the current political climate.

Springer’s proponents have highlighted his ability in the era of President Donald Trump to provide his own funding for a campaign and to connect with working-class voters familiar with his television show and history in Ohio politics.

Fuck Jerry Springer. May be a hot take but I mean it. I’ll never forgive this fucking guy for how many hours of sleep he cost me as a kid. Valuable shuteye down the drain, spent instead lying there for hours and hours watching absolute trash scream at each other about pregnancy tests and getting ragdolled by those TV bouncers. Popping up every 10 mins or so to chant “JERRY! JERRY!” while fist pumping towards my pathetic box TV. And what did I get out of it? Maybe a couple mediocre jerk off sessions because occasionally the chick was kinda trashy hot? Sweet. Could’ve been a great academic or a star athlete or perhaps simply retained the ability to remember things. Instead I lost MONTHS of sleep watching this clown direct the biggest shitshows in television history.

And you know what? I think Jerry’s all in.

Political af statement. Just vague ass shit about hats and rings. The Democrats see your Donald Trump and raise you a Jerry Springer.