Am I A Gayball If I Love Cheesy Quotes?


I have a confession to make. I fucking love cheesy quotes. You know the ones I’m talking about.  The kind you see girls posting all over social media and guys roll their eyes and make fun of them? Well I eat them up. If it wasn’t frowned upon as a heterosexual male to post shit like this I’d be pinetristing the shit out of everything I see. Quotes of the day, inspirational quotes, adversity quotes, leadership quotes, sports quotes, dating quotes etc. You name it and I’d post it. If that makes me a gayball than so be it. So why did I post this blog? Because I’m sick of living in the shadows.  Pretending to be something I’m not.   And if I’m too ashamed and embarrassed to admit it I’m sure there are other dudes who feel the same way.. Well you’re not alone.  My name is Dave I’m a quote monster and I don’t care who knows it.  God damn it that feels good.