Great Britain Is Not Happy With How The American Media Is Characterizing Their Response To The Recent Terror Attacks

Daily Mail- Not that I give a damn about the feelings of Islamist terrorists, but those who commissioned or supported Saturday night’s atrocity at London Bridge will have been encouraged by the resulting headline on America’s alleged paper of record, the New York Times.

It read: ‘Terrorist Attacks in The Heart of London Hit a Nation Still Reeling.’

No, we are not reeling. We are not even slightly unsteady. And we are determined not to have our way of life changed by these murderous nonentities from the radicalised depths of what is sometimes called ‘the Muslim community’.

The New York Times wrote an article about how Great Britain was “reeling” from the recent terror attacks. This pissed them off because the word “reeling” means:

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The British are a famously resilient people. They’re also a very funny country and the hashtag “thingsthatleavebritainreeling” is exactly the type of response you love from a country that has been targeted by terrorism in recent weeks. Humor is an excellent way to respond to atrocities, to show the backbone of a country and to galvanize resolve. If the American media is responsible for stirring patriotism in Britain, even if it’s because they’re not happy with the way we painted them, I feel that it’s a good thing.

Britain has endured far darker times than these. From September 7th, 1940, London was bombed by the German Air Force for 56 of the following 57 nights. More than 40,000 civilians were killed, over a million houses destroyed, and yet the stalwart British endured. The rallying cry of “Keep Calm and Carry On” has become the mantra of Britain’s toughness during this time (even though the posters with this slogan weren’t really displayed publicly during the Blitzkrieg).

One can see why England might not take kindly to America characterizing them as “reeling.” To our friends across the pond, I would simply say… endure. We’re with you.

Here’s Hugh Grant standing up to America for the sake of Britain: