A Pilot Took A Vote - There's a 50/50 Chance The Engines Work, Do You Want Us To Fly Anyway?

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Plymouth - Passengers on an easyJet flight were horrified when the pilot asked them to VOTE on whether to take off – as there was only a “50/50 chance” of both engines working.

The stunned holiday-makers were on the tarmac at Malaga airport, Spain, when the pilot asked for a show of hands as to whether they should take off.

The unnamed pilot told passengers there was a high chance that only one engine would be working.

But the request – which came after the flight had already been delayed for 40 hours – left one exhausted passenger so traumatised that he threw up.

Still at the boarding gate, the pilot came out of the cockpit to explain the situation – and asked for a show of hands.

“There was about 12 people wanted to stay on, but the rest of us wanted to get off.”

Mum-of-four Jemma Hooper, from Stroud, Glos, said: “”It was absolutely horrendous.

“They are putting people into a broken plane to make it look like they were trying.”

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I absolutely love this move from the pilot. When it comes down to it, put it up to a vote. Let democracy take over. You’ve been doing that since preschool, why change now?

These poor saps had been delayed for 40 hours. The pilot knew everyone was frustrated. The pilot knew they just wanted to get out of there. So he was going to let them decide their fate- do you want to fly with a 50/50 chance the engines work, or do you want to spend another night in Malaga? If the majority decided they wanted to fly, who was the pilot to say no?

And the best thing is, this is par for the course for easyJet. They are the Spirit Airlines of Europe. The planes don’t work, the pilots graduated from clown college, and there’s always a 50/50 chance the engines fail halfway through the flight. If you wanted a plane that will actually make it from one place to another, you wouldn’t be flying their airline.

That’s why I have no problem with what the pilot did. When you sign up for easyJet, you sign up for everything that comes with it, good (rarely), bad (likely), or failing engines but flying anyway (likely more common than they tell you).

So the question- would you vote yes or no when the pilot asks if you want to take off? Might as well roll the dice. You’ve waited 40 hours for a new flight, you have a 50/50 shot of the plane working, what’s the worst that could happen? You get to go down that slide and use your chair cushion as a flotation device after you nose dive into the Mediterranean? Sounds better than another night at the airport. Get that bird in the air, Mr. Pilot, get that bird in the air indeed.