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Deli Takes A Stand On People (Nerds) Discussing Mathematics In Line


Finally. I get so sick and tired of hearing people discuss math while I’m in line at the store. Seems like everywhere I go people are discussing square roots, quadrants, factors, and even lately I’ve noticed an upwards tick in people discussing theorems. Can you believe that shit? Theorems.

“Hey Chaps. Remind us again what a theorem is.”

Sure. No problem. Everyone needs a quick refresher from time to time and we aren’t in the deli right now so I don’t have an issue with helping you out.

You see, a theorem is a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths or a statement that has been proved on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theorems, and generally accepted statements, such as axioms. We’ll get into axioms at a later date so long as we aren’t in line at the deli.

Now obviously, I’m no math hater. I just believe that math has its time and place. That time and place is not at the store when I’m trying to buy the 2 for 3 dollars king size butter finger and a delicious root beer to wash it down. You wanna talk about the finer points of irrational numbers in private? Go for it, but don’t force that conversation on everyone else. It’s about ethics in mathematical talk really, and I’m glad at least one store decided to talk a stand.