Bieber Hit A Paparazzi With His Gigantic Truck Leaving Church Last Night

CNN- Singer Justin Bieber struck a paparazzo with his truck while trying to drive away from an event in Beverly Hills Wednesday night, according to the Beverly Hills Police Department.

Bieber stayed at the scene during the investigation, Lt. Scott Dowling told CNN.
Video from the incident appeared to show Bieber offering assistance to the man who was hit.

Dowling said a 57-year-old man was taken to a nearby hospital with minor injuries.

Bieber has been spotted in the Los Angeles area after recently canceling the rest of his worldwide tour due to “unforeseen circumstances.”

After being spotted by TMZ near the beach in Southern California, Bieber said he plans on “just resting, getting some relaxation.”

Look. At a certain point, being as famous as Justin Bieber sucks. There is such a thing as too famous, and Bieber has been in that camp for about 6 years. Everywhere he goes, he has to navigate a flashmob of paparazzi. Anytime he gets behind the wheel of his car, it’s like he’s driving through a group of protestors that have shut down a road. Imagine that for a second. We all hate those protestors, and 23-year-old Justin Bieber has to inch and weave through a blinding storm of flashbulbs that emanate from photographers whose LIVELIHOODS require them to waylay his progress.

Having said that, it’s a lot easier to navigate that crowd when you’re driving a midsize/compact car. Ferraris are cool and when you hit someone going 5MPH in a Ferrari, you tend not to pulverize their knees. Of course we know this paparazzi is flopping like the son of Lebron + soccer, but the visual of hitting someone with a tank–however slowly–is a bad one.Of course, Bieber’s reaction shows a lot of maturity. 4 years ago, before Sorry, Bieber would have continued driving:

Now, he’s standing over the fallen photographer, speaking dutifully with police, and accepting responsibility for an incident that is so pathetic, so contrived, that I have a hard time watching it. I commend the young man for his restraint; if it were me behind the wheel of that mack truck, I’d be mowing them down like it was GTA.

Last thing: I’ve been to Hillsong. I dated a girl once who was super religious and went to Hillsong every week. I went with her once because I was trying to get some honey on my stinger. If you’re able to get past the religious music, hand-waving, and all the crying women, it’s a great place to make a quick buck. They pass around the collection bucket and it is FILLED with twenties. Take a fiver from your wallet, stick your entire arm into the bucket, grab a big ball of twenties, and you’ve multiplied your bread like Jesus. Did I need the money? Not really, but I’d paid for every brunch date with this girl to that point and I saw an opportunity. Either way, I walked out of that church feeling VERY fulfilled.