Kirk And Mary Ferentz Donate One Million Dollars To Help Premature Babies

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My guy Kirk! What a guy. For all the scrutiny and criticism Kirk Ferentz has faced over the years at Iowa there was never any doubt that he’s an awesome guy. A stand up guy. A genuine guy. He’s a simple man with simple interests who also has deep pockets. And he often decides to use those deep pockets for good. Chewing gum, recruiting future NFL lineman and tight ends to play in Iowa City and helping premature babies by donating A MILLION dollars, that’s what Kirk Ferentz does. This is also a nice reminder that college football is riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight around the corner. We’re so close. Iowa’s over/under for wins this season is 6.5 which means they don’t have any expectations heading into the season which means they’re probably gonna go 11-1 and have an outside shot to make the playoff via the B1G Championship game. That’s just how it goes. I’m here for it. Let’s gooooooooooo!