With His Wife In Labor, Hungry Father Stops At Chic-Fil-A En Route To Hospital

NY Post- Chick-fil-A lovers are known to go to extremes, like waiting in line for hours just to get their hands on their favorite fast food. But one guy in North Carolina loves the chicken chain so much, he and his wife stopped for a meal while she was in labor, the Charlotte Observer reports.

Wes and Lacey Cope were on their way to the hospital after Lacey’s water broke to give birth to their fourth son when they decided to take a little detour.

“She was relaxed, and I was starving,” Wes told the Charlotte Observer shortly after their son Finn Sullivan Cope was born Monday.

Having already experienced childbirth three other times, Lacey was calm, so she let her hungry husband take them through the Chick-fil-A drive-through in Charlotte for his favorite chicken nuggets, hash browns and sweet tea.

“If you want Chick-fil-A to move fast, tell them your wife’s in labor. They did,” Wes told the Observer.

It isn’t surprising Wes is such a fan of the fast-food restaurant. According to a recent study, Americans are reportedly more satisfied with fast-food dining experiences than they are with full-service casual restaurants, and they like Chick-fil-A better than anyplace else, according to a new report from the American Customer Satisfaction Index.

One thing is for sure–Wes Cope is a MAN. Look at that beard! That composure! Completely unfazed by the mountain of grocery and college tuition bills that continue to expand with each kid. Of course, that’s because Wes is as unflappable as they come. Cool, calm, collected, and mother-cluckin’ hungry for Chick-Fil-A. Oh my fourth son is coming? No big deal. Honey, how’s that cervix? 4 centimeters? Good, I’m just going to swing in to grab some nuggets. Do you want anything back there? Haha just kidding, no fried food for you! Gotta start losing that baby weight in a couple hours.

It’s certainly no coincidence that Wes has 4 sons. Chick-Fil-A is a Christian enterprise, and God loves those who eat his meat. As such, he blessed Wes with 4 strapping lads who will carry the torch for Chick-Fil-A for generations to come. Thank goodness the baby didn’t arrive on a Sunday, when Chick-Fil-A shutters its doors! But then again, God would never have sent Lacey Cope into labor on his day of rest. For had Wes stopped at some vegan smoothie place for “breakfast” instead, that kid comes out a different gender, guaranteed.