Uber (allegedly) Used "Hell" Software To Spy On Lyft Drivers

German Court Bans Uber Service Nationwide

Business InsiderThe FBI is leading a probe into Uber’s alleged use of secret software called “Hell” to track drivers from rival company Lyft, The Wall Street Journal’s Rebecca Davis O’Brien and Greg Bensinger reported on Friday.

Uber is said to have created fake Lyft passenger accounts using the internal “Hell” software so that it could see the exact location of Lyft cars. This reportedly allowed Uber to see what Lyft was charging for rides and see how many drivers were nearby.

I love how Uber is the evil empire of the tech world now. The Darth Vader of apps. The bad boys of ride-sharing. You want to bite into the market by introducing lower prices and weird mustaches? Not on Uber’s watch. They’ll whip up some scary software called “Hell” software and spy on your drivers. Track ‘em. Follow ‘em. Collect that data. I don’t know much about much but one thing I do know is data is KING. Modern business fucking LOVES data. We hired a data guy earlier this year — instantly became most powerful person in the office. We actually don’t even know his name, just call him “Big Data.”

Nice guy, controls the entire company. Anyone else asks you to do something, you question the merits of that request. But Big Data asks? You execute that mission and you know deep in your heart that that request came from a mountain of expertly collected, irrefutable data.

I’d be disappointed if Uber weren’t all up in Lyft’s grill (puns) with Hell software.