This Photo Of Hurricanes Everywhere Is Not Good!


It’s no secret that hurricanes are coming but jesus christ this photo makes it all too real. Hurricanes fucking everywhere. Irma making the Caribbean islands disappear. Jose batting cleanup. Scary stuff. Stay safe everyone.

PS — So Business Insider had a headline earlier about the earthquake in Mexico. It said something to the effect of “Earthquake kills 10 in Mexico, triggers waves…” so I tweeted something obviously super witty and clever about the waves being soft, triggered snowflakes. Quickly deleted it because I didn’t feel like internet fighting today and it was a little insensitive of me but it reminded me of a good story. My first week at Barstool, earthquakes killed thousands in Ecuador and Japan. I blogged it and headlined it “massive earthquakes are all the rage right now.” Got yelled at for that one. Oops.

Blog’s still here with the new headline but original URL. You live, you learn.

Ts & Ps with everyone in Florida and surrounding areas these next several days.