If Paul Pierce Says It's Time To Move On, I Think We Have To Consider It

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When I saw this tweet late last night, I almost didn’t know what to think. Was Paul hacked? Is this real? Are we mending wounds? Not too long ago the Celtics held their 2008 reunion on KG’s Area 21 and it appeared that they were NOT EVEN CLOSE to ending their beef. I always went with the line of thinking that as long as they were still mad at Ray, I was to be mad at Ray. When we heard the true feelings about why they were upset, about how it was more the way he left than the fact that he left, it all made sense. I was ready to hate Ray Allen until my last breath.

But, if Paul Pierce says he is moving on and accepting Ray back into the circle of trust, then we should all give it serious consideration as well. The ultimate deciding factor for me will be if KG, Rondo and Perk agree. Sorry Big Baby I really do not care about your feelings, that’s just life. If those other three also decide that maybe Paul is right, and it IS time to bury the hatchet, then we as fans have no choice. Sure I think on some level it will always annoy me that Ray chose to ride Lebron to another title, essentially pulling a KD before KD, but what I’m trying to say is if Paul can change, and I can change, and you can change, everybody can change.

I will say, this is rather interesting seeing as a certain 10 year anniversary just happens to be this season. Is this the first step to getting Ray to show up to that? Is this an attempt to try and prevent the boos? Only time will tell.

RIPIP to an all time personal favorite GIF though