A Pizza Hut In Florida Threatened To Punish Any Employees Who Evacuated For Hurricane Irma Early And Missed Their Shift

NEW YORKA Pizza Hut manager in Florida threatened to punish employees who missed shifts by evacuating too early for Hurricane Irma.

In a memo, the manager said workers at the Jacksonville restaurant have a “responsibility and commitment” to the community, and that employees who needed to evacuate would get only a 24-hour “grace period” before the storm.

“You cannot evacuate Friday for a Tuesday storm event!” the notice read. “Failure to show for these shifts, regardless of reason, will be considered a no call / no show and documentation will be issued.”

It also said that employees would be required to return to the city within 72 hours of an evacuation.

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Pizza Hut, come on down!

This week’s Most Hated Company On The InternetTM.  Public enemy #1.  Another industry giant getting fucked over in the PR department by some loose cannon employee at a franchise restaurant.   This time it is quite possibly the biggest hardo pizza chain manager of all time, demanding his/her employees report to work during a massive state-destroying hurricane – or else.

My favorite part of that memo:

“Our #1 priority is the safety of our team, but we have a responsibility and commitment to our community to be there when they need us.”

Ah, yes.  If there’s one thing a community needs in the midst of a natural disaster, it’s the local Pizza Hut.  As their houses are swept away in flood waters, as all their possessions are destroyed, as the streets turn into raging rivers, they can take solace in the fact that lights are always on and the frozen pizza is always hot at the Pizza Hut.  A place to gather and lift their spirits over stuffed garlic knots and breadsticks.   As you desperately try to evacuate yourself and all your loved ones to escape impending death, rest assured, the town’s 16 year olds will be in that Pizza Hut kitchen grinding for that $7 an hour.

You tell me who the real heroes are.