Man Refuses To Give Up His Seat On The Train For An Elderly Woman So She Just Sits Right On His Damn Lap

Source - But an elderly commuter in China’s Nanjing city took matters into her own hands last week when she sat on a young man’s lap after he refused to give up his seat her on train.

The video shows a woman asking a young man to give up his seat, saying: “I am an elderly woman and this seat is for people who are unable to stand.”

When the man refuses, she decides to sit his lap directly.

Something about a good subway video gets me fired up. They’re too relatable. Any time I see a subway headline I have to watch, especially when it involves some sort of confrontation. This one checks all the boxes: a large age gap, awkward physical contact, screaming foreigners. It’s like a white trash gift from God.

Out of respect, I usually side with the elderly,  but this one’s tough. I hate everything about this lady. The physicality. The elderly card.  The bouncing around the car.  Clean up your act- hunch over a little, play it up. Cough, complain about the fluid in your lungs- yelling at the reserved seating sign isn’t going to get you anywhere.

This woman is lucky she escaped without injury. Picking a fight on public transportation is risky business. Remember the Cleveland bus driver? Credit to the kid for keeping his cool. He played it perfectly, ended up being a win-win for all parties involved. She wound up with a seat and he had his first physical contact with a woman in years. They looked to be enjoying each other’s company too. It was a strange turn of events but love always prevails.