Sean Spicer Went On Kimmel Last Night And Delivered An A+ Interview

Source –  Everyone’s favourite former US Press Secretary Sean Spicer appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live and he was so much more chilled out than the high octane, frowning Spicey we’ve all grown to know.

This is why Jimmy Kimmel is the best. He operates somewhere between friend and foe. He’s able to balance softballs with jabs in a way that makes his guests comfortable enough to open up. It’s like the old Late Show, guests would come on knowing that they’re the joke but Letterman was so good at making them feel comfortable they’d forget all about it. Kimmel’s the same way. He’ll say something wildly offensive with a smile on his face and the guests will roll with it.

Spicer was joking around, laughing at himself, it was great. Looked like a completely different dude from the robot we saw a few months ago.  Although he was way funnier as a robot. The press conferences were unreal. Hands down the most unintentionally funny thing on TV.

Kimmel hit all the points: crowd size, disagreeing with facts, fake news and Spicer took the questions in stride. I imagine the answers would’ve been delivered differently had he been in Washington. Which speaks volumes to the stress put on an individual holding public office. Its fascinating to see how different people act outside their job. Especially when it involves public office. Overall it was an A+ interview from Spicer, hopefully he keeps the media tour going.