Shooters Shoot: Treasury Secretary Requests $25K Per HOUR Government Jet For Honeymoon With His Hot Wife

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Testifies To Senate Banking Committee On Domestic And International Policy

Business InsiderThe use of government air travel by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is once again under scrutiny.

Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker and film producer, asked for the use of an Air Force jet to travel to Europe for his honeymoon in Scotland, Italy, and France, according to ABC News.

The use of the jet was denied, according to the report, but it would have cost about $25,000 an hour to operate the aircraft for the trip.

The wife:

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As a boondoggle boy I have no choice but to respect the hell out of this move from Secretary Mnuchin. Shooters shoot. Yes Mnuchin is worth $300 million. Yes he just married a hot chick 18 years his junior. And yes he still tried to boondoggle his way into a $25K PER HOUR government jet for his honeymoon all over Europe. I don’t know how the fuck you spend $25K an hour but I love that he wanted to do it.

This justification is solid too — needed “secure lines of communication.”

A Treasury Department spokesperson told CNN in a statement that Mnuchin made the request to ensure he had access to secure lines of communication when he and his new wife, Louise Linton, were traveling.

Like when you shell out the 10 bucks for wifi on the plane to Vegas for your boy’s bachelor party but try to expense it cuz you checked your email once. Same logic except Steve here wants $25K an hour for a joyride around Europe.

Shooters shoot. These are of course the same two who were under fire last month for taking a gov’t jet to Kentucky for the eclipse (probably didn’t help that Louise tagged every luxury designer on earth).


There’s just no way this in-your-face snobby rich chick isn’t an absolute minx in the sack.