Jason Day's Son Is Already Better Than All Of Us At Golf

Momma there goes that man Dash Day stealing all of our girlfriends! I’m a big Dash Day fan. I’m on record saying he’s a superstar and he is (his name being Dash Day is like 98% of his superstardom potential). If you’ll remember, Dash became internet famous for waddling out onto the 18th green every time his dad won a golf tournament (which was A LOT in 2015). He was Riley Curry but with swagger and an impressive head of hair. Well here we are just a sort couple of years later and he’s turning into the superstar I predicted. He’s already one of the best bunker players in the world and we’ve only seen that one shot. But the mere fact that he didn’t blade the fuck out of it or hit it off the toe and into Jason Day’s grill mix and break his phone is a minor miracle. Supreme touch. You can’t teach that kind of touch. Just another day in the life of budding superstar Dash Day.

Also, name a hotter couple. You can’t.