General Kelly Surprised The White House Press Corps Today, Briefed Like A Well-Oiled Motherfuckin' Machine

Chief Of Staff John Kelly Speaks At White House Press Briefing

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly surprised the media today and came out to brief the press. He was concise. He was direct. He was fantastic.

Take a look.

General Kelly:

I mean he’s no Spicer, Mooch, or…

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…but it’s nice seeing this level-headed, thoughtful, experienced, badass motherfucker taking the podium. Nice to know he’s got the President’s ear. Nice to know he’s controlling the flow of info to Trump’s desk. Refreshing to see this White House snagging a few laughs from the WH press corps.

The guy with all the military experience in the world delivers the least-combative press briefing. Where’s Alanis Morissette when you need her.