Tom Brady's Ad for His Chocolate is Really ... um ... Something


Well that is that, I guess. The newest promotion for TB12 Fitness is, what? Kind of going for a Willy Wonka thing, but in space for some reason? Like Wonka crossed with Dr. Evil with kind of a mad scientist accent but not really and yet Brady is the good guy? Have I got it right?

Those were some interesting creative choices, to be sure. And the net effect is less an ad about a man in Earth orbit looking for his Halloween candy than it’s the Hale-Bopp Comet Cult guy:

Which is not me comparing Brady’s deliciously organic, nutritious and non-inflammatory candy treats to a suicide cult. I’m just talking about the presentation. I’m sure and similarities are just an homage to the Heaven’s Gate guy. And that the unREAL chocolate bars are exactly the Halloween candy every kid in the neighborhood will want this year. It’s just that a part of me longs for a simpler time, when Brady was doing more conventional candy commercials.
