Bowe Bergdahl Receiving No Prison Time For His Actions Is A Military Travesty And A Gut-Punch To Soldierly Accountability


This decision is one of the more baffling cases that I’ve ever seen in the military. Bowe Bergdahl receiving no real punishment for his action that left soldiers dead, maimed, and wounded because of his self-serving interest to walk off a post in a war zone is disgusting. It can be and has been argued that his punishment was at the hands of the Taliban. That’s true, in part. I’ve even said things like that in the past. The judicial precedent to allow this to go largely unpunished is a slap in the face to the requirement of military discipline.

These actions taken by the military courts are significant to Bowe Bergdahl in a purely monetary fashion. His stripping of rank is ceremonial at best. His forfeiture of pay isnt a big deal. Everyone knows of his dishonorable actions so the discharge reading as such is of no use. He will be barred from the only thing that might actually do him some good which is mental health treatment. He won’t be allowed to get mental health treatment from the VA due to this discharge status. A guy who was tortured for five years by the fucking Taliban will be walking the street freely with no mental health at his ready. That’s dangerous.

The stories that took place during this trial are heartbreaking. The judge himself admitted that the President being vocal about what happens to Bowe as far as punishment goes will end up softening their court’s stance. I hope that wasn’t the case but god damn.


This is Staff Sergeant Mark Allen. He was shot in the head looking for Bowe. His wife testified that Mark can no longer do any tasks or even speak because of what happened to him. Shannon said that she has to close Mark’s hand over her own when they hold hands watching a movie. Their family is forever changed because of Bowe’s cowardice and stupidity. It’s hard to even find the words that can properly put into context the level of hubris behind Bowe’s desertion.

Bowe Bergdahl apologized through tears. Fuck your apology, Bowe. Apologies work when toddlers forget to flush the toilet, not when your selfish actions rip away people’s lives and futures. Dishonor doesn’t even begin to describe the character of that piece of shit. Fuck Bowe Bergdahl.