This Picture Of Kinnick Stadium After Iowa Beat Ohio State Is A Masterpiece


That picture is stunning. It stunned me when I saw it. It’s a masterpiece. There’s no other way to describe it. I want a blown up version to put on the wall. I want it tatted on my back. Obviously the fans at Kinnick Stadium rushed the field after MURDERING #6 Ohio State on Saturday but god damn. I’ve never seen a picture quite like that. There isn’t a speck of space left on that field. This doesn’t make any sense but that looks like more than the 75,000 people that Kinnick holds. Were people running into the stadium? Cause it looks like there are no less than 200,000 people on that field. 200,000 breakfast pizza-loving Iowans who love their Hawkeyes. An amazing scene.

Imagine being in the middle of that celebration? It had to be like this

Worth it though. Totally worth it. I would’ve been okay with dying in the middle of that field. Life isn’t going to get any better than blowing out the Buckeyes anyway.

The only other awesome Kinnick picture that comes to mind was this player looking up at the last-second field goal against Pitt to remain undefeated

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