Colin Cowherd Eating His Words About Iowa Football Is Sweet Music To My Ears

FINALLLLLLLLLLY. I need a cigarette and I don’t even smoke. That was like break up sex. Get this fucking loser outta my life forever. I’ve avoided blogging Cowherd and his rants about Iowa being the fake ID of college football because they’re so phony and transparent. This is how it goes every time. He shits all over Iowa football, he gets a bunch of nice Iowans all riled up, his ratings go up because of it, later, rinse, repeat. He’s been doing it ever since the Hawks went undefeated in 2015 and then lost to Michigan State in the B1G Championship (and then got blown out by Stanford in the Rose Bowl but we don’t talk about that game around these parts). Did his rants have kernels of truth? Of course but it was mostly him blowing smoke to get his ratings up. It was so fucking annoying and lame.

But things done changed. Saturday happened. In his dumbass words, Iowa football turned 21. Now that Iowa has beaten the brakes off Ohio State and we shoved Colin’s own words down his stupid throat? I’ll blog that. I’ll blog that every day of the week. Keep our name out of your mouth, Colin. Forever. I honestly pity the school he goes after next. They are in for a few years of hell.