Punk Kid Vs Massive Redneck In The Single Most Disappointing Road Rage Fight Of All Time

(Action starts at 2:30)

What a disappointment. I don’t think anyone’s ever deserved a beating more than the kid in the Mustang. Not only was he the instigator, he’s quite possibly the most hateable person on earth. You can’t start a fight then hide behind your cell phone. Doesn’t matter how much of a size differential there is. If you start the fight, you have to finish it. Even if it means getting your ass beat at the Shell station in Dade City, Florida. Those are the rules. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Mustang-guy lucked out. If truck-guy had an ounce of coordination he would’ve been done. I get that he’s built like a baked potato but Jesus Christ, bend your fucking knees, buddy. Get a low center of gravity. Didn’t you ever play freshman football?  All he had to do is throw one punch and it was over. Instead he tried to apply pressure like comfort dog, hold him until he calmed down. I’m confused as to how he went down in the first place. It didn’t seem like any progress was being made until they sprawled out. I need to see them in a sanctioned fight. Ship ‘em up to Rough N Rowdy and do it official. No cell phones, no cowboy boots. Just brown liquor and balls- my two favorite things.

Ps: How about grandma breaking up the fight at 2:56 with a Virginia Slim 1000 in her hand. Just itching to get involved, “this is not the place!” Um, yes, it is. Probably should’ve said something the first hundred times they threatened to kill each other.

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