Watch This Sick Fuck Dive Into A Dirty, Disgusting Beer Trough From Barstool 5th Year

Barstool 5th Year rages on to yet another campus, as this weeks episode takes us to Stillwater as Oklahoma visited Oklahoma State. This game is called Bedlam, not to be confused with bed-lamb, because there were no sheep fuckers here today. Just good, old-fashioned college fun.

KFC has talked about our numbers a little bit on the radio, mentioning that we are doing 3.5 million viewers per episode. We would never be the ones to breach the number talk game, but since the cat is out of the bag, at times the viewership has crept towards and over 5 million pairs of eyeballs. We say that to share the fact that, while this isn’t the traditional type of Barstool content nor the traditional modicum through which to consume the content, it is a hell of a success and has been an awesome journey thus far.

And as Donnie and Erika pointed out, many of the viewers are of the not-dude variety, which makes us the most worldly fuckers in this place.

If you’re not watching it, you’re messing up.