Turns Out The Best Sports Highlights Come From A Bunch Of Saint Joe's Stoolies Cleaning Their Apartment


The last thing anybody wants to do on a Sunday morning when you wake up filled with nothing but shame, regret, and a crippling headache from the night before is clean up. You want to wake up, grab a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel, a large chocolate milk and do nothing with your day besides do everything you can to push the mistakes you made last night so far into your subconscious that you’ll never think of them again until the day you die. But what’s a group of dudes to do when the house is a mess and smells like shit and in desperation of a total cleanse from last night’s festivities? A real catch 22 situation here considering nobody wants to clean but everybody has to clean. So what better way to trick yourself into actually looking forward to the clean up? A mother franking montage.

If a montage makes it possible for Rocky to defeat Communism with nothing but his fists and his heart, then a montage can sure as shit make it possible for you to make your apartment sparkly clean.

And not for nothin, but the Birds are looking to sweep the division the same way these bros are looking to sweep the floors.

Guys being dudes. What’s better than that? And by the way, don’t think I didn’t notice these little shits didn’t tag me in the videos. Nothing like getting smacked in the face with where you stand on the totem pole.
