As Expected, Mike Francesa Put Ben McAdoo And The Giants In A Bodybag Today. Hours Later Ownership Releases Statement Saying McAdoo Is Still The Head Coach

For those that are hard of hearing or at work and prefer their Barstool in Tailgate Show Mode (without sound), here is Mike’s producer with a quick breakdown:

And my two favorite parts:

The only thing better than Mike saying dated shit like a player could wear a tuxedo is his seamless transition to backaftahdis. The man is a pro’s pro and needs to continue to work on his craft after he leaves WFAN. If only a rising media company had an entire radio channel to fill with content.


Anyway, you know a season has gone bad when you look forward to hearing Mike bash in the skull of your favorite team, but I think we all expected Mount Francesa to rain fire and lava from the skies after yesterday’s game. You knew it after Mike had picked the Giants to beat the 49ers by 20 last week.

You knew it when Janoris Jenkins was playing like he was still suspended.

And you knew it when Monz tweeted this out at the end of the 9ers game.

That evisceration of the GMen was weeks in the making and came to a head after that debacle ended.

So what did the Giants do? Gave Ben McAdoo a vote of confidence of course!


Okay, maybe that wasn’t a vote of confidence. More like the slightest head nod of confidence that ownership tried to give when nobody was looking. But it didn’t say “This motherfucker is fired. Lets see what Spags can do”. And to be honest while I hate it, I’m fine with it. This season is cooked. I don’t think I can even feel embarrassed about this team anymore. The Giants floor for shame is much higher than the Knicks and the Mets, so I don’t think the Giants will blindside me with anything crazy. Unless all of our DBs don’t show up tomorrow, McAdoo suspends every one of them, and Aaron Ross somehow makes his return to Big Blue (which would be the true lowlight of the season). But again, I’m weirdly okay with it. Yeah it’s going to suck likely getting our teeth kicked in by the other NFC East teams to end the season. Other than that, we should just sit back, relax, play Draftkings so the NFL means something the next two months, and hope that a QB shows himself as a stud once the Giants figure out where in the Top 3 they will be picking.

That being said, seeing a tweet like this put my brain into a pretzel because I am so happy it was tweeted but hated seeing it after a game like yesterday.

Nonetheless, I always ride with my guy Snacks, even if I missed out on the Kick It With Snacks promotion before last season.