Blessings On Blessings On Blessings: The Pope Gets A New Lambo


If I was rich as shit, I’d buy this Lamborghini. No question about it. I’d throw open the doors and have my theme song playing loud as hell. I’d get a new theme song too. I know the people would be disappointed that Careless Whisper by George Michael was no longer my theme song but I’m pretty sure that a Poporghini calls for some audibles.

Sure, the Pope would be disappointed that I picked a new theme song that had the word “pussy” in it, but I would confess to him that I felt bad about it and then I’d skiirrttt skiiirrttt in the Vatican parking lot on my way outta Rome. The Pope wouldn’t care either. I’d pick up the car on March 24th of 2018. I have some other shit going on so I cant get there right away. The Pope would understand. He’s busy too, after all. He’d respect my hustle and wish me good luck. He’s not getting any vagina so I might as well cruise from some going 200mph on the Autobahn. I’d look down at my watch and notice that March 24th is on a Saturday this year. Like the Pope says, “Saturdays sunt enim in Pueri.” Nice.