Leave The Memories Alone...James Ellsworth Has Been Released By The WWE

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WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar James Ellsworth. WWE wishes Ellsworth the best in all of his future endeavors.

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James Ellsworth debuted on July 25, 2016 in a match with Braun Strowman. At 5’9″, 170lbs, nobody expected him to be the one to dethrone the Monster Among Men. Nobody but James.

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“Any man with two hands has a fighting chance.” said Ellsworth, before being destroyed, squashed, and buried by Strowman in just over a minute.

His hilarious and unique look was something fans latched onto, and so did Chris Jericho, who personally called Ellsworth to congratulate him on his performance and “big break” with the WWE. Little did they know that’d be only a small step in Ellsworth’s WWE career.

Vince McMahon decided to sign him to a full time contract and utilize him on SmackDown as a piece in the AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose feud, where he went on to have a great ladder match with AJ Styles and a shot at the WWE Championship that included one of the best false finishes of the year.

When the underdog/klutz role ran it’s course, and people were starting to get tired of him, he was saved by Carmella who had the idea to align herself with him. He pivoted into becoming a shitheel, pushover character seamlessly, and even made his WrestleMania debut as a manager for Carmella.

Was James Ellsworth ever going to be a guy main eventing pay per views and winning championships on the Grandest Stage of Them All? Nah. It wasn’t his role, and never could be.

I’ll be damned if he didn’t embody taking the ultimate advantage of an opportunity and running with it however. I know people didn’t care for him recently, but man, I’m incredibly inspired by what he accomplished. Hopefully now he’ll be making great money on the independent scene to provide for his family. Best of luck to you, James!