This Video Of Katie Couric From 2012 Saying Matt Lauer "Pinches My Ass A Lot" Seems Relevant Today

Whoops. Videos like this are always strange. I lump them in with the Family Guy videos where they allude to things like Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey being a creep YEARS before anything comes to light. It’s strange to have something so out in the open but also hushed. I suppose the Family Guy jokes are one thing. They’re jokes and no one knows what’s real and what isn’t. Family Guy has told thousands upon thousands of jokes over the years. So it’s hard to tell what’s true and what isn’t until after the fact. But Katie Couric plainly saying Matt Lauer used to pinch her on the ass a lot seems problematic. It also goes to show just how different things are even from 2012. Andy Cohen was like “LOL ass pinches! Classic Lauer!” and Couric looked pissed. Not great.

I have a question that no one will be able to answer. What are you doing right now if you’re one of these rich and famous people who knows there might be allegations coming out about you? How much sleep are they getting? 15 minutes? 10 minutes? No sleep? Just sitting and staring at the wall. Wondering when the other shoe is gonna drop and their life is over. Suicide has to be on the table. It might be option #1. And who’s next? It could be anybody. No one is safe. No one would be shocking at this point. Except Will Smith. If it comes out that Will Smith is a creepy predator I think I’m done with everything. I would be devastated.