This Store Clerk Who Stared Down The Barrel Of A Gun Until The Robber Left Has Massive Balls

Hold up we just got some more footage of that store clerk

HUGE balls on that guy. Huge. Ginormous. He has to wear special pants just so they don’t clang together all day long. I can’t stress enough how big his testicles are. They have their own gravitational pull they’re so big. It takes a special type of courage to stand there and stare down the barrel of a gun until the robber gets frustrated and leaves. I’ve never seen anything like it. There is a chance he was frozen with fear and wasn’t actually courageous but I didn’t get that vibe. The vibe I got was that the clerk was willing to eat bullets before he gave up a single cent to that guy.

My question for him is, is he really willing to die for Walgreens? I respect the hell out of it if he is but damn. No way would I be willing to die for Walgreens. That’s not my money. Take it. Just don’t kill me. Basically I’m a huge pussy compared to that guy behind the counter. On the flip side, if you’re the guy who tried to rob that Walgreens, just give up forever. You don’t have it in you to be a good robber. In the words of the great DMX, ” You better bust that if you gon pull that.”