Chance The Rapper Filled In As The Weatherman On WGN This Morning And Absolutely Killed It

Not a good look for weathermen around the country. Chance The Rapper came in and made the weather a billion times more entertaining than any regular meteorologist could. Chance just changed the weatherman game like Rhoda Young changed the news reporter game.

Meteorologists have skated by for far too long as people that had a fancy title while flat out guessing the weather while sprinkling in fancy terms like high pressure systems and fronts to make them seem smarter. But after this performance, meteorologists either better get more accurate by using some sort of advanced sabermetric system, be fun to watch, or be pleasant to look at (Sup Sam Champion). And if you aren’t able to bring any of that to the table, you may end up looking like this guy, who clearly realizes his ass just got put directly on the hot seat by a rapper.


So for those counting at home, Chance The Rapper is not only a great rapper but also has a future as Chance The Weatherman and Chance The Hockey Analyst.