You Can't Request A Joke On Your Pizza Box And Then Have The Driver Fired If It's Too Saucy

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WJLA - “My son ordered a pizza online and under the special instructions he requested a joke,” she explained.

An innocent order her 12- and 15-year-olds have done in the past. A worker at the Pizza Hut on Jefferson Davis Hwy. cooked up exactly what they ordered.

Problem was their pizza arrived a little too spicy for mom’s taste.

The joke starts: “What do a pizza delivery driver and a gynecologist have in common?”

“I was really shocked and floored that Pizza Hut would send that type of joke out,” she said. “The employee even called and I told her that I hope she doesn’t lose her job over this.”

But the worker did lose her job. Mom posted a pic of the box on social media talking about her disgust.
And now mom’s facing backlash online. One of the posts reads in part:

“I hope you see it in that big, black heart of yours to call back and explain that you aren’t upset. Days before Christmas you got someone fired.”

The mother’s reply to people saying her family asked for the joke and got what they ordered: “It’s an inappropriate joke. There’s a time and place for everything. My pizza box is not one of them. It’s a lesson learned.”


Well this right here is some grade A, certified bull shit. In no world- not my world, not your world, not Jose Canseco’s world, can you request a joke be written on your pizza box and then complain when the joke is too saucy. The pizza delivery man is out there grinding for his 7 dollars an hour plus tips, and just wanted to make his costumer happy by writing a silly joke on the box, as requested. He didn’t know who asked for the joke- didn’t know if it was a man, woman, or child, he just was trying to make them laugh. So he went with a classic pizza joke- What do a pizza delivery driver and a gynecologist have in common?

Do you know the answer?

It’s: They both get close enough to smell the goods…..but if they eat it they’ll be in trouble!


Well guess what happened? The mom was very upset at the nature of the joke, posted it on social media, called the Pizza Hut, and now a week before Christmas the driver is out of a job. Great work, everyone! The Pizza Hut should have told the woman to shut the fuck and enjoy the joke, but nope, gotta fire the driver. Sure the joke is a bit off color, but whatever, what do you want from your Pizza Hut delivery man? And besides, the kids are 12 and 15 years old, I’m sure they will survive.

And even better, now the mom is complaining that she’s being cyber-bullied, when she’s the one who posted the picture on social media to begin with. She thought everyone was going to take her side, and is all sad now that she’s facing backlash. Allow me to cyber-bully real quick: hey, the mom who got the driver fired: Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

So the lesson to be learned here: if you’re a pizza delivery driver, don’t try to go above and beyond. Put the pizza in the box, get the box in the hands of the costumer, and no funny business on the side. Don’t try to be a hero. Nothing good ever comes of that.