We Have Vegas Odds On Next Bears Head Coach And Where The Fuck Is Jeff Fisher?

Hmmmm. Am I missing something here? I mean Id be thrilled with Josh McDaniels or Pat Shurmur or Dave Toub coming back to Chicago. But there’s one name that seems glaringly absent. One name that can restore the tradition of the Chicago Bears. One man that can actually improve the team by guaranteeing a 7-9 record. Yes I’m talking about this man. Go ahead and watch this video and tell me you aren’t ready to run through a brick wall. Do the right thing Bears, do the right thing.


I made that Jeff Fisher hype video as a joke but there’s a small part of me that realizes George McCaskey or that goofball Ted Phillips may come across it and actually think hiring Fisher is a good idea. And if that happens then I will own it 100%. I’ll take all responsibility for the continuation of suck. Very big of me, I know.