Brady's Send Off Rally Mic Drop Was Electric


“It’s been an incredible journey. We’ve got one more to go. We’re gonna go out there and win it for you guys. And that’s all we got! We love you! Patriots out!”
-Tom Brady, January 29th, 2018

Annnd … I’m a mess. They say that the first seven Super Bowl send off rallies are just practice. That it really takes an eighth before you get your timing, your rhythm and your banter down. And clearly Brady has, at long last, mastered the art of the farewell speech. I mean, just look at that reaction by Matthew Slater (fourth Super Bowl) looked like he wants the ball kicked off five minutes ago so he can rip some heads off. This is Mr. Kraft’s ninth trip, and even he was moved almost to tears. And Bill Belichick, on his way to his 11th Super Bowl, looks like he’s wondering how to top that speech next weekend in Minneapolis.

The best sign of all is that Brady managed to connect on every high-5 he offered. That is rare. And by itself shows how dialed in he is right now. I bet that within minutes of seeing this mic drop Vegas will move the line by at least a point and a half. Thornton out!
