My Official Response To #ShowerGate #DickGate #SmittyGate


Umm…I don’t really have one? I just don’t want to be filmed while taking a shower. And for some reason this has devolved into me getting called out in every which way. I didn’t barge into the bathroom. I didn’t film the video. I didn’t delete the video. I’m not the one bringing it up every two seconds like on the rundown and radio yesterday: “Did you hear about Dickgate?” I didn’t write the Deadspin article. The only times I’ve addressed the situation publicly is when I’m either cornered or forced to respond, like after the video was deleted on Twitter and after the above blog. I just don’t want to be filmed while taking a shower. Not by a friend, a coworker, or some Hairdo Fuck. Not anyone. This is really next level Crazytown stuff.

It really is true: Smitty vs. Everybody. Thank you for your time.

PS – Fuck you, Deadspin. If I’m going to hell I’m taking you with me.